I am by nature a ravenous reader. I simply can't get enough. It is rare indeed that I won't have at least 4 or 5 books on my desk being simultaneously read and cross-referenced. Occaisionally my hunger takes me to books of History and Political Science, but by and large, my readings are primarily religious studys. And as most avid readers, I have my favorites. For me that includes the writings of men like Spurgeon, Tozer, Luther, Jonathan Edwards, C.S.Lewis, and more recently, Chan, Keller, Packer, and David Platt. And who can study the Word of God without the resources of men like Matthew Henry, Barclay, Clarke and Calvin.
Now don't get me wrong in what I'm about to say, because there is great value in the readings of the works of these men of God. I am not about to throw my Library away, nor do I recommend any one else to do such. But as I was studying this morning, a thought came to me. Actually it was more than just a thought......more like a clear visual picture in which I believe the Holy Spirit was revealing to me an important, critical message.
What I envisioned was a small body of believers in a far away third world country huddled around the Word of God. A group of believers filled with the Holy Spirit and on fire for God in the face of great persecution. Not unlike the same picture you would get if you imagined the early churches at Ephesus, Thessalonica or any where in Galatia. And if I were to come upon them during one of their all-night, secretly held Bible Studies and ask if they had read the life-changing Book "Radical" by David Platt, or "Forgotten God" by Francis Chan.....well, you can imagine the inquisitive looks I would recieve. But I have to believe, that for a body of believers who are experiencing the life changing work of the Holy Spirit through their earnest and diligent study of the word of God......I would quickly and politely be brushed aside so that they could continue in the Word. You see, for them........His Word is sufficient.
I'm afraid that many Christians in the Western World today have not fully grasped that reality......that God's Word is sufficient for us. Or at best, we have indeed forgotten it. That it is mighty, and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword. That it.............without human help, clarification and explanation can, does and will transform lives. Yet in our attempts to know God more, in a personal life-changing way, how many of us are satisfied to read only a one page devotional each morning that consists of one single verse from God's Word, than a human story or analysis of the meaning. Or instead of studying God's word during the week, we are content with a specialist giving us a 30 minute synopsis of one or two verses on a Sunday Morning.
The Life of a Christian is by nature relational in all aspects. God, through the redemptive work of Christ is our Father, and we His adoptive sons and daughters. Our salvation, as described in John 17 is the process of "Knowing God." Knowing Him in a deep, intimate and personal way. Knowing Him more............not less each and everyday. It is impossible in any relationship, human or spiritual, to get to know someone intimately without constant, ongoing communication. Our Father's communication to us is His Word.
When your child goes away from home for an extended period, maybe to camp or to college, and writes a very personal loving letter to you.....are you statisfied only by having your spouse tell you what was in the letter and how beautiful it was. Sure there might be some value in that............but there is nothing that can replace reading and savoring the words yourself. Only when you read it for yourself do you experience the richness and tenderness of the words written for you. And in doing so, your relationship expands and grows.
My commitment today, is not that I am going to destroy my library of great works of men, but that I am renewing my passion to Know God better and in an intimate personal way. And that must begin with a renewed hunger and thirst for His Word and His Word alone.
Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.
ReplyDelete(Joh 20:30-31)
How simple and pure. The opening line of one of my favorite songs is "We were born to embrace, not accept it." Theologically sketchy, but the point is to embrace the Word with our mind/spirit like we long to embrace the Christ when we see him face to face. How shallow, in our western culture, we look for "fixes" in stead of abiding and soaking in a passage for however long it takes to savor Christ as our only treasure. The only person worth our time, attention, devotion and adoration. Psalms says the word is worth gold, much fine gold. Do I believe it. Would I trade a bible for a brick of gold. Put so bluntly, no of course not. I trade it every day for a few dollars an hour! O lord, help my unbelief. Teach me to cleave to your word by your word for the Word of God, Jesus the Christ and Lord (Rev 19:13)
Hello Joe!
ReplyDeleteFrom Hannah (Mahan) Stalnaker
I am not an avid blog reader or huge facebook person or anything like that, but I stumbled upon your facebook page, and then your blog and there were a few names on there you mentioned that got my attention (Spurgeon, Edwards, Calvin). I must admit this is a bit awkward for me, because I am normally very private. I felt compelled to write to you because these are not men that people seem to listen to much anymore, much less the Word of God and the doctrines of the Bible. Everyone is looking for their own way instead of following the one Gospel of ONE GOD. Modern religion is so lost in the extras and themselves they don't give honor and glory to whom honor is due. certainly Spurgeon did and men like Ralph Barnard, etc. My grandfather is Henry Mahan. He heard the gospel through Ralph Barnard. I felt compelled to write to you and tell you about my grandfather and a few other things. He has written many commentaries and books and has preached all over the world. He is one of the greatest preachers to has ever lived (and I am not just partial, and that is not just my opinion). I think you would really enjoy hearing him. He has over 3000 messages on sermonaudio.com. He is now in his 80's and has moved to Rocky Mount with my grandmother. He has a 15 minute radio broadcast on WYTI at 8:00 on Sun. mornings (1570 AM). The radio broadcasts are such a blessing and I know you would really get a blessing from hearing his messages. I RARELY invite anyone to our services, because so many churches do so for the wrong reasons (money, numbers, programs, etc.). But, Central Grace Church, where my dad is pastor is not your typical "modern church". The Gospel is preached clearly from God's word and God honoring hymns are sung so that God is given ALL the glory and that man is not. I really think our services would be refreshing to you in light of all these "churches" out there today. Central Grace Church is located on 40 West (3596 Franklin St.). Our services are Sundays at 9:30 and 10 and Wednesday evenings at 7:30.
Please know that I am not trying to be pushy, and that I truly almost NEVER do this, but after reading a few of your posts, I really felt you would be interested.
Hope you and Pat are well!